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专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游


  • 工作地点:上海市
  • 年龄要求:18~45岁
  • 要求学历:不限
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:1年以上
  • 专业要求:不限




1995年NCL GROUP (UK) LTD成立,总部位于英国伦敦(注册号:05831362)是一家专门从事金融服务业务的集团公司,公司主要向全球的客户提供柜台交易市场金融衍生产品的执行和交易服务。(http://www.nzncl.com)  NCL GROUP具备全球性国际金融集团资质。集团所经营金融服务业务在全球范围受多个国家及地区政府金融监管机构及相关政府机构许可和监管。  NCL集团及其旗下公司:Smith & Williamson(http://www.smith.williamson.co.uk/)金融集团具备“英国金融服务管理局”(FCA)交易商许可资格(牌照编号NO:140824)。NCL GROUP (UK) LTD具备“欧洲经济委员会”(欧盟EEA)交易商许可资格(牌照编号NO: 05831362)。NCL GROUP (UK) LTD同时具备“澳大利亚证监会”(ASIC)交易商许可资格(牌照编号NO:159393530)。亚洲区业务代表处进入中国大陆市场开展推广业务,经“英国大使馆”认证(编号:0123746)。NCL GROUP (UK) LTD进入中国大陆市场后积极配合国家外汇投资教育规划,2011年6月经审核批准,由“中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部‘国际金融外汇管理师’全国管理办公室”,依据“国金外办发(2011)18号” 文件,任命及授权成为“全国培训项目上海地区营运中心”。  NCL GROUP是一家经英国政府批准成立的专业金融服务公司,并经“英国金融服务管理局”审核和注册的,具备“ Able to hold and control client money(允许持有和控制客户资金)”资质的为数不多的真正意义上可以接受客户资金托管的金融服务集团。集团是主要从事英国及欧洲经济的研究,开发,咨询,指导,决策,等方面实现全球经济一体化而成立的金融服务企业。集团的总部设在英国,为了发挥集团在欧洲与亚太地区政府,机构,工商业等组织,个人之间的桥梁和纽带作用,分别在中国香港,中国上海,新西兰设有分部。  NCL集团在市场中秉承“公平,高效”的宗旨,为投资者提供完善优质的金融配套服务。投资者可以根据自身要求制定更合适的投资组合,通过全世界先进的交易软件直接获取来自市场的报价。  NCL集团立足于欧洲,现在投入大量精力致力于亚太地区的业务发展。目前在亚太地区有:新西兰NCL G&F GROUP LIMITED(注册号:50000254259)主要负责CFD、外汇业务,是新西兰政府认可的交易商;香港NCL资产管理有限公司(注册号:1671674);英国纽卡斯集团上海代表处(注册号:310000500494249)主要负责驻华地区业务。GROUP LTD (UK) NCL was established in 1995, is headquartered in London, UK (Registration Number: 05831362) is a company specializing in financial services business, the company provides the world's customers with counter trading market financial derivatives and trading services. (http://www.nzncl.com)GROUP NCL has a global international financial group qualification. The financial services business of the group is regulated by the government financial supervision institutions and relevant government agencies and related government agencies in the world over the world.NCL group and its subsidiary company:Smith & Williamson (http://www.smith.williamson.co.uk/) financial group with "UK Financial Services Authority" (FCA) dealer license (license number NO:140824).GROUP NCL (UK) LTD () of the European Economic Commission (EU EEA) dealer license (license number NO: 05831362).GROUP NCL (UK) LTD also has the "Australia Securities Regulatory Commission" (ASIC) dealer license (license number NO:159393530).Business representatives from the Asian region to enter the Chinese mainland market to carry out the promotion of business, through the "British Embassy" certification (number: 0123746).NCL group (UK) Ltd. to enter the Chinese mainland market actively cooperate with the state foreign exchange investment in education planning, June 2011 review and approval, by "the law of the people's Republic of China, human resources and social security department 'international financial exchange management division' national office", according to the "golden State Affairs (2011) 18" file, appointed and authorized as "national training project in Shanghai operation center".GROUP NCL is a professional Financial Services Company approved by the British government, and by the "British Financial Services Authority" audit and registration, with "to hold and control client money Able (allowing for holding and control of customer funds)" qualification for a few real sense can accept customer funds managed financial services group. The group is mainly engaged in the research, development, consulting, guidance, decision making, and so on. Based in the UK, in order to play the group in Europe and Asia Pacific region governments, institutions, business and other organizations, individuals between the bridge and the link, respectively, in China Hongkong, China Shanghai, New Zealand has a branch.NCL group in the market adhering to the "fair and efficient" purpose, to provide investors with the perfect quality of financial services. Investors can develop a more appropriate portfolio according to their own requirements, through the world's most advanced trading software directly to get quotes from the market.NCL group, based in Europe, now put a lot of effort into the business development of the Asia Pacific region. Currently in the Asia Pacific region:G&F GROUP LIMITED NCL (Registration Number: 50000254259) is mainly responsible for the CFD, foreign exchange business, is recognized by the New Zealand government dealers;Hongkong NCL Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Registration Number: 1671674);The Newcastle group Shanghai Representative Office (Registration Number: 310000500494249) is mainly responsible for the business area in china.


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